Dental and Medical Problems
2015, vol. 52, nr 1, January-March, p. 78–85
Publication type: original article
Language: English
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Comparison of the Hardness, Energy Absorption and Water Absorbability of Polymeric Materials Used in the Manufacture of Mouthguards
Porównanie twardości, absorpcji energii i nasiąkliwości materiałów polimerowych stosowanych w wykonawstwie ochraniaczy wewnątrzustnych
1 Department of Prosthetics Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2 Department of Ceramics and Polymers, Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Background. Mouthguards constitute an inseparable feature of injury prevention for the head and mouth area. Due to growing expectations regarding comfort of usage and resistance parameters strictly determined quality standards must be established for such equipment. These resistance parameters are usually dependent on the type of the material they were made of and the technology applied.
Objectives. The aim of the present study was to compare the hardness, elasticity and absorbability of polymeric materials used to produce mouthguards as well as to identify which materials have the most favourable resistance and functional properties.
Material and Methods. Samples of polymeric material obtained during deep moulding, canning and thermal injection were utilised to measure hardness, resilience and absorbability.
Results. On the basis on the researched material, it is recommended that the following be used in the production of mouthguards: Impak® in 1 : 1 and 1.5 : 1 proportions, Elastosil®, double-laminated Erkoflex® and Corflex®, as these materials ensure optimal hardness and energy absorption. The studied material was shown to have an acceptable level of absorbability (up to 0.5% in mouthguards), but it was the Corflex Orthodontic material that exhibited the lowest values in this respect.
Conclusion. Corflex Orthodontic process using the thermal injection technique is the most suitable material for preparing mouthguards.
Key words
sport, orofacial injury, mouthguards
Słowa kluczowe
urazy części twarzowej czaszki, sport, ochraniacze wewnątrzustne
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